
Candidate Advanced Nurse Practitioner (cANP/ANP) Rapid Cardiac Care

Blackrock Health


30+ days ago

Blackrock Clinic is the leading and longest established private hospital and clinic in Ireland. Since it opened in the mid-1980s, the clinic has consistently built an unparalleled reputation in new high-tech surgical procedures, medical treatments, and ground-breaking diagnostics. Blackrock Clinic is now part of Blackrock Health private hospital group along with the Hermitage Clinic, Galway Clinic, and Limerick Clinic, some of the most advanced hospitals in Irish private healthcare. Blackrock Clinic facilitates over 200 structural heart procedures per year, making it one of the highest volume centres in the country. 


The overall purpose of the post is to provide safe, timely, evidenced based nurse-led care to patients at an advanced nursing level. This involves undertaking and documenting a complete episode of patient care (assess, diagnose, plan, treat and discharge patients) according to collaboratively agreed protocols. The advanced practice role demonstrates a high degree of knowledge, skill and experience that is applied within the nurse-patient/client relationship to achieve optimal outcomes through critical analysis, problem solving and accurate decision-making (NMBI, 2017).

Central to this is the provision of quality care, a safe environment and processes for patients by the use of evidence based clinical guidelines that address patient expectations, promote wellness and evaluate care given.

The Candidate Advanced Nurse Practitioner (cANP)- Rapid Cardiac Care will provide clinical leadership and professional scholarship in order to develop nursing practice and health policy.

The role will contribute to nursing research to shape and advance nursing practice, education and health care policy at local, national and international levels.


      Be registered as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner of the active Register held by Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland.

  And/ Or

      Be registered in the General Division of the active Register held by Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland or be entitled to be so registered.


      Have a broad base of clinical experience relevant to the advanced field of practice.


      Be eligible to undertake a master's degree (or higher) in Nursing or a master's degree, which is relevant, or applicable, to the advanced field of practice. The master's programme must be at Level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications (Quality & Qualifications Ireland), or equivalent. Educational preparation must include at least three modular components pertaining to the relevant area of advanced practice, in addition to clinical practicum.


      Be currently undertaking a master's degree in nursing (Advanced Practice Pathway) or be eligible to register to undertake additional Level9 National Framework of Qualifications (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) specific modules of a master's degree in nursing (Advanced Practice Pathway) within an agreed timeframe. Educational preparation must include at least three modular components pertaining to the relevant area of advanced practice, in addition to clinical practicum.


      Possess a master's degree (or higher) in Nursing or a master's degree which is relevant, or applicable, to the advanced field of practice. The master's programme must be at Level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications (Quality & Qualifications Ireland), or equivalent. Educational preparation must include at least three modular components pertaining to the relevant area of advanced practice, in addition to clinical practicum.


      Candidates must possess the requisite knowledge and ability including a high standard of suitability and clinical, professional, and administrative capacity to properly discharge the functions of the role.


The ANP/cANP practices to a higher level of capability across six domains of competence as defined by Bord Altranais agus Cnaimhseachais na hEireann Advanced Practice (Nursing) Standards and Requirements (NMBI 2017).

The six domains of competence are as follows:

  • Professional Values and Conduct
  • Clinical-Decision Making
  • Knowledge and Cognitive Competences
  • Communication and Interpersonal Competences
  • Management and Team Competences
  • Leadership and Professional Scholarship Competences


Each of the six domains specifies the standard which the ANP/cANP has a duty and responsibility to demonstrate and practice. 

Domain 1: Professional Values and Conduct

The ANP/cANP will be required to apply ethically sound solutions to complex issues related to individuals and populations by:

      Demonstrating accountability and responsibility for professional practice as a lead healthcare professional in the care of patients with complex care needs.

      Collaborating with their supervisor and local stakeholder group to determine the caseload and scope of practice for the ANP/cANP.

      Collaborating with their supervisor and local stakeholder group to determine the inclusion criteria for the ANP/cANP.

      Collaborating with their supervisor and local stakeholder group to determine the exclusion criteria for the ANP/cANP.

      Articulating safe boundaries and engaging in timely referral and collaboration for those areas outside their scope of practice, experience, and competence by establishing, in collaboration with key stakeholders, referral pathways and locally agreed policies, procedures, protocols and guidelines to support and guide the ANP/cANP.

      Demonstrating leadership by practising compassionately to facilitate, optimise, promote, and support the health, comfort, quality of life and wellbeing of persons whose lives are affected by altered health, chronic disorders, disability, distress, or life-limiting conditions.

      Selecting a professional practice model that provides their latitude to control their own practice, focusing on person centred care, interpersonal interactions, and the promotion of healing environments.

      The chosen professional practice model for nursing will emphasise a caring therapeutic relationship between the ANP/cANP and their patients, recognising that ANP/cANPs. work in partnership with their multidisciplinary colleagues (Slatyer et. Al (2016)).

      Articulating and promoting the advanced practice nursing service in clinical, political, and professional contexts {for example presenting key performance outcomes locally and nationally; contributing to the service's annual report; participating in local and national committees to ensure best practice as per the relevant national clinical and integrated care programme}.


Domain 2: Clinical-Decision Making Competences

The ANP/cANP will enhance their advanced knowledge, skills, and abilities to engage in senior clinical decision-making by increasing their capability to:

      Conduct a comprehensive holistic health assessment using evidenced based frameworks, policies, procedures, protocols, and guidelines to determine diagnoses and inform autonomous advanced nursing care.

      Synthesise and interpret assessment information particularly history including prior treatment outcomes, physical findings, and diagnostic data to identify normal, at risk and subnormal states of health.

      Demonstrate timely use of diagnostic investigations additional evidence-based advanced assessments to inform clinical-decision making.

      Exhibit comprehensive knowledge of therapeutic interventions including pharmacological and non-pharmacological advanced nursing interventions, supported by evidence-based policies, procedures, protocols, and guidelines, relevant legislation, and relevant professional regulatory standards and requirements.

      Initiate and implement health promotion activities and self-management plans in accordance with the wider public health agenda.

      Discharge patients from the service as per an agreed supporting policy, procedure, protocols, guidelines, and referral pathways.


Domain 3: Knowledge and Cognitive Competences

The ANP/cANP will actively contribute to the professional body of knowledge related to their area of advanced practice by enhancing their capability to:

      Provide leadership in the translation of new knowledge to clinical practice (for example teaching sessions; journal clubs; case reviews; facilitating clinical supervision to other members of the team).

      Educate others using an advanced expert knowledge base derived from clinical experience, on-going reflection, clinical supervision, and engagement in continuous professional development.

      Demonstrate a vision for advanced practice nursing based on service need and a competent expert knowledge base that is developed through research, critical thinking, and experiential learning.

      Demonstrate accountability in considering access, cost, and clinical effectiveness when planning, delivering, and evaluating care (for example key performance areas, key performance indicators, metrics).


Domain 4: Communication and Interpersonal Competences

The ANP/cANP will negotiate and advocate with other health professionals to ensure the beliefs, rights and wishes of the person are respected by gaining increased competence and capability to:

      Communicate effectively with the healthcare team through sharing of information in accordance with legal, professional, and regulatory requirements as per established referral pathways.

      Demonstrate leadership in professional practice by using professional language (verbally and in writing) that represents the plan of care, which is developed in collaboration with the person and shared with the other members of the inter-professional team as per the organisation's policies, procedures, protocols, and guidelines.

      Facilitate clinical supervision and mentorship through utilising one's expert knowledge and clinical competences.

      Utilise information technology, in accordance with legislation and organisational policies, procedures, protocols and guidelines to record all aspects of advanced nursing care.


Domain 5: Management and Team Competences

The ANP/cANP will manage risk to those who access the service through collaborative risk assessments and promotion of a safe environment by:

      Promoting a culture of quality care.

      Proactively seeking feedback from persons receiving care, families and staff on their experiences and suggestions for improvement.

      Implementing practice changes using negotiation and consensus building, in collaboration with the multidisciplinary team and persons receiving care.


Domain 6: Leadership and Professional Scholarship Competences

The ANP/cANP will lead in multidisciplinary team planning for transitions across the continuum of care by enhancing their competence and capability to:

      Demonstrate clinical leadership in the design and evaluation of services (for example findings from research, audit, metrics, new evidence).

      Engaging in health policy development, implementation, and evaluation (for example key performance indicators from national clinical and integrated care programme/HSE national service plan, local service needs to influence and shape the future development and direction of advanced practice in structural heart disease care).

      Identifying gaps in the provision of care and services pertaining to their/their area of advanced practice and apply the best available evidence.

      Leading in managing and implementing change.



      (i)     Be a registered General Nurse with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (Bord Altranais agus Cnaimhseachais na hEireann) or entitled to be so registered.




      (ii)    Be registered in the General Division of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (Bord Altranais agus Cnaimhseachais na hEireann) Register for which the application is being made or entitled to be so registered.



      (iii)  Have a broad base of clinical experience relevant to the advanced field of practice. 




      (iv)   Be eligible to undertake a Master's Degree (or higher) in Nursing or a Master's Degree, which is relevant, or applicable, to theadvanced field ofpractice. The Master's programme must be at Level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications (Quality & Qualifications Ireland), or equivalent. Educational preparation must include at least three modular components pertaining to the relevant area of advanced practice, in addition to clinical practicum.




      (v) Be currently undertaking a Master's Degree in Nursing (Advanced Practice Pathway) or be eligible to register to undertake additional Level 9 National Framework of Qualifications (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) specific modules of a Master's Degree in Nursing (Advanced Practice Pathway) within an agreed timeframe. Educational preparation must include at least three modular components pertaining to the relevant area of advanced practice, in addition to clinical practicum





      (vi) Possess a Master's Degree (or higher) in Nursing or a Master's Degree which is relevant, or applicable, to the advanced field of practice. The Master's programme must be at Level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications (Quality & Qualifications Ireland), or equivalent. Educational preparation must include at least three modular components pertaining to the relevant area of advanced practice, in addition to clinical practicum.





      Candidates must possess the requisite knowledge and ability including a high standard of suitability and clinical, professional and administrative capacity to properly discharge the functions of the role.



A Postgraduate Diploma in Cardiology/Coronary Care Nursing



This job description is a reflection of the present service requirements and may be subject to review and amendments to meet the changing needs of the service.

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Blackrock Health