How can I analyse my interviewer?

When you're going for job interviews, it's important to remember that they're as much for you to decide whether you like the company as they are for the employer to decide if they like you.

If you're a strong candidate, it may be the case that you're offered more than one job. Some analysis of your interviewer, as well as the pros and cons of the job itself, can help you decide who you really want to work for.

Try to 'connect' with the person who interviews you even whilst you are answering questions. Maintain regular eye contact and try to ensure your interview is a dialogue rather than you answering a series of questions and answers.

Ask relevant questions relating to the company, its products and services such as:

  • In which direction is the company going?
  • Are there any plans for expansion?
  • Does the company generally promotion from within?

It's also important to clarify exactly the position you are being interviewed for and whether this is likely to change:

  • Why has the role arisen?
  • How will you assess my performance?
  • How does the role fit into the structure of the department?

It's not easy to assess things during an interview, so you need to jot down a few quick points down to help jog your memory. Later on, a detailed look at your notes will help you decide whether the interviewer really addressed your issues or concerns.

Were your questions answered fully or were they somehow disappointing or unsatisfactory, even worse, were they evasive? Would the role be challenging enough or even too challenging?

You should also aim to get an idea of the workplace environment.

  • Was there a good vibe?
  • Did the people seem to be enjoying their work?
  • Was the environment right for you?
  • Could you deal with the commute on a daily basis?

You need to know exactly what it is you want. Evaluate what's most important to you. Is it the job itself, or the rewards, or the convenience of the location?

If you think there's a chance that you'll be invited back for a second interview, think about the kind of answers that your interviewer responded well to. Everyone likes to receive information in a different way so consider how you can pander to them next time round by bringing examples of your work or by having more facts and figures ready in your answers.

If two or more jobs appear to offer what you want, thoroughly investigate the whole package; holidays, sick leave, bonuses, promotion opportunities etc - you need to be comparing like with like.

Write down a good old fashioned list of pros and cons if it helps.

If you're still not sure, then talk things over with someone you trust. An independent and objective view is priceless. Just remember to consider any potential conscious or unconscious bias that they might have.